ASTM's environmental assessment and risk management standards provide the proper procedures for carrying out specific evaluation procedures for identifying and predicting the possible biophysical, social, and other relevant impacts that certain products and projects may have on the natural environment, as well as on the health and safety of the immediate users of such. These environmental assessment and risk management standards are valuable to environmental scientists and engineers, impact assessment institutions, and real estate firms in implementing the appropriate environmental impact designs to ensure overall prevention of the associated contamination risks.

Environmental Assessment Standards and Risk Management Standards

ASTM's environmental assessment and risk management standards provide the proper procedures for carrying out specific evaluation procedures for identifying and predicting the possible biophysical, social, and other relevant impacts that certain products and projects may have on the natural environment, as well as on the health and safety of the immediate users of such. These environmental assessment and risk management standards are valuable to environmental scientists and engineers, impact assessment institutions, and real estate firms in implementing the appropriate environmental impact designs to ensure overall prevention of the associated contamination risks.

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Beneficial Use

E1861-97 Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion By-Products in Structural Fills (Withdrawn 2003)

E3033-16 Standard Guide for Beneficial Use of Landfills and Chemically Impacted Sites

E2277-14(2019) Standard Guide for Design and Construction of Coal Ash Structural Fills

E2243-13(2019) Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) for Surface Mine Reclamation: Re-contouring and Highwall Reclamation

E2278-13(2019) Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) for Surface Mine Reclamation: Revegetation and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage

E2201-13(2020) Standard Terminology for Coal Combustion Products

E1609-01 Standard Guide for Development and Implementation of a Pollution Prevention Program (Withdrawn 2010)

E2060-22 Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products for Solidification/Stabilization of Inorganic Wastes

E3355-23 Standard Guide for Characterization of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) in Storage Area(s) for Beneficial Use

E3183-24 Standard Guide for Harvesting Coal Combustion Products Stored in Active and Inactive Storage Areas for Beneficial Use

Biological Effects and Environmental Fate

E1193-20 Standard Guide for Conducting Daphnia magna Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests

E1604-20 Standard Guide for Behavioral Testing in Aquatic Toxicology

E1711-20 Standard Guide for Measurement of Behavior During Fish Toxicity Tests

E2385-11(2016) Standard Guide for Estimating Wildlife Exposure Using Measures of Habitat Quality

E724-21 Standard Guide for Conducting Static Short-Term Chronic Toxicity Tests Starting with Embryos of Four Species of Saltwater Bivalve Molluscs

E1619-11(2016) Standard Test Method for Chronic Oral Toxicity Study in Rats

E857-05(2019) Standard Practice for Conducting Subacute Dietary Toxicity Tests with Avian Species

E1850-04(2019) Standard Guide for Selection of Resident Species as Test Organisms for Aquatic and Sediment Toxicity Tests

E1439-12(2019) Standard Guide for Conducting the Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (FETAX)

E1163-10(2019) Standard Test Method for Estimating Acute Oral Toxicity in Rats

E981-19 Standard Test Method for Estimating Sensory Irritancy of Airborne Chemicals

E3155-19 Standard Guide for Assessing Mammal Health at Chemically Contaminated Terrestrial Sites Using Rodent Sperm Analysis

E1688-19 Standard Guide for Determination of the Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants by Benthic Invertebrates

E1849-96(2013) Standard Guide for Fish and Wildlife Incident Monitoring and Reporting (Withdrawn 2022)

E1768-95(2013) Standard Guide for Ventilatory Behavioral Toxicology Testing of Freshwater Fish (Withdrawn 2022)

E1194-17 Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure

E1847-96(2013) Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of Toxicity Tests Conducted Under ASTM Guidelines (Withdrawn 2022)

E1706-20 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Freshwater Invertebrates

E1463-92(2012) Standard Guide for Conducting Static and Flow-Through Acute Toxicity Tests With Mysids From the West Coast of the United States (Withdrawn 2021)

E1498-92(2012) Standard Guide for Conducting Sexual Reproduction Tests with Seaweeds (Withdrawn 2021)

E1841-04(2012) Standard Guide for Conducting Renewal Phytotoxicity Tests With Freshwater Emergent Macrophytes (Withdrawn 2021)

E2317-04(2012) Standard Guide for Conducting Renewal Microplate-Based Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests with a Marine Meiobenthic Copepod (Withdrawn 2021)

E1197-12(2021) Standard Guide for Conducting a Terrestrial Soil-Core Microcosm Test

E1676-12(2021) Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Soil Toxicity or Bioaccumulation Tests with the Lumbricid Earthworm Eisenia Fetida and the Enchytraeid Potworm Enchytraeus albidus

E1218-21 Standard Guide for Conducting Static Toxicity Tests with Microalgae

E1563-21a Standard Guide for Conducting Short-Term Chronic Toxicity Tests with Echinoid Embryos

E1611-21 Standard Guide for Conducting Sediment Toxicity Tests with Polychaetous Annelids

D3978-21a Standard Practice for Algal Growth Potential Testing with Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata

E1562-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Acute, Chronic, and Life-Cycle Aquatic Toxicity Tests with Polychaetous Annelids

E1295-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Three-Brood, Renewal Toxicity Tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia

E2591-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Whole Sediment Toxicity Tests with Amphibians

E1022-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Bioconcentration Tests with Fishes and Saltwater Bivalve Mollusks

E1241-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Early Life-Stage Toxicity Tests with Fishes

E2122-22 Standard Guide for Conducting In-situ Field Bioassays With Caged Bivalves

E2455-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Toxicity Tests with Freshwater Mussels

E1733-22 Standard Guide for Use of Lighting in Laboratory Testing

E1963-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Terrestrial Plant Toxicity Tests

E2045-22 Standard Practice for Detailed Clinical Observations of Test Animals

E2172-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Soil Toxicity Tests with the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

E1415-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Static Toxicity Tests With Lemna gibba G3

E1191-03A(2023)e1 Standard Guide for Conducting Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests with Saltwater Mysids

E1192-23 Standard Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests on Aqueous Ambient Samples and Effluents with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates, and Amphibians

E1242-23 Standard Practice for Using Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient to Estimate Median Lethal Concentrations for Fish Due to Narcosis

E1023-23 Standard Guide for Assessing the Hazard of a Material to Aquatic Organisms and Their Uses

E729-23e1 Standard Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests on Test Materials with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates, and Amphibians

E1367-03(2023) Standard Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Invertebrates

E1391-03(2023) Standard Guide for Collection, Storage, Characterization, and Manipulation of Sediments for Toxicological Testing and for Selection of Samplers Used to Collect Benthic Invertebrates

E1525-02(2023) Standard Guide for Designing Biological Tests with Sediments

E943-23 Standard Terminology Relating to Biological Effects and Environmental Fate

E1366-23 Standard Practice for Standardized Aquatic Microcosms: Fresh Water

E2552-23 Standard Guide for Assessing the Environmental and Human Health Impacts of New Compounds for Military Use

E1440-23 Standard Guide for Acute Toxicity Test with the Rotifer Brachionus

E2186-02a(2023) Standard Guide for Determining DNA Single-Strand Damage in Eukaryotic Cells Using the Comet Assay

E2590-23 Standard Guide for Conducting Hazard Analysis-Critical Control Point (HACCP) Evaluations

Corrective Action

E3300-21 Standard Guide for NAPL Mobility and Migration in Sediment— Evaluating Ebullition and Associated NAPL/Contaminant Transport

E1689-20 Standard Guide for Developing Conceptual Site Models for Contaminated Sites

E2856-13(2021) Standard Guide for Estimation of LNAPL Transmissivity

E1848-20 Standard Guide for Selecting and Using Ecological Endpoints for Contaminated Sites

E1599-94 Standard Guide for Corrective Action for Petroleum Releases (Withdrawn 2002)

E1739-95(2015) Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites (Withdrawn 2024)

E1943-98(2015) Standard Guide for Remediation of Ground Water by Natural Attenuation at Petroleum Release Sites (Withdrawn 2024)

E2893-16e1 Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups

E3268-21 Standard Guide for NAPL Mobility and Migration in Sediment—Sample Collection, Field Screening, and Sample Handling

E3240-20 Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action for Contaminated Sediment Sites

E3248-20 Standard Guide for NAPL Mobility and Migration in Sediment – Conceptual Models for Emplacement and Advection

E1912-98(2004) Standard Guide for Accelerated Site Characterization for Confirmed or Suspected Petroleum Releases (Withdrawn 2013)

E2876-13(2020) Standard Guide for Integrating Sustainable Objectives into Cleanup

E2531-06(2020) Standard Guide for Development of Conceptual Site Models and Remediation Strategies for Light Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids Released to the Subsurface

E2435-05(2020) Standard Guide for Application of Engineering Controls to Facilitate Use or Redevelopment of Chemical-Affected Properties

E2616-09(2020) Standard Guide for Remedy Selection Integrating Risk-Based Corrective Action and Non-Risk Considerations

E3281-21a Standard Guide for NAPL Mobility and Migration in Sediments – Screening Process to Categorize Samples for Laboratory NAPL Mobility Testing

E2020-22 Standard Guide for Data and Information Options for Conducting an Ecological Risk Assessment at Contaminated Sites

E2081-22 Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action

E3282-22 Standard Guide for NAPL Mobility and Migration in Sediments – Evaluation Metrics

E3354-22 Standard Guide for Application of Molecular Biological Tools to Assess Biological Processes at Contaminated Sites

E3361-22 Standard Guide for Estimating Natural Attenuation Rates for Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids in the Subsurface

E2205/E2205M-22 Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action for Protection of Ecological Resources

E3358-23a Standard Guide for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Site Screening and Initial Characterization

E3164-23 Standard Guide for Contaminated Sediment Site Risk-Based Corrective Action – Baseline, Remedy Implementation and Post-Remedy Monitoring Programs

E3344-23 Standard Guide for Developing Representative Sediment Background Concentrations at Sediment Sites—Selection of Background Reference Areas

E3242-23 Standard Guide for Developing Representative Background Concentrations at Sediment Sites—Data Evaluation and Development Methodologies

E3302-23 Standard Guide for PFAS Analytical Methods Selection

E3274-24 Standard Guide for Management of Investigation-Derived Waste Associated with PFAS

E3382-24 Standard Guide for Developing Representative Background Concentrations at Sediment Sites—Framework Overview, Including Conceptual Site Model Considerations

E3163-24 Standard Guide for Contaminated Sediment Site Risk-Based Corrective Action—Selection and Application of Analytical Methods and Test Procedures

Environmental Risk Management

E2107-20 Standard Practice for Environmental Regulatory Compliance Audits

E1929-98 Standard Practice for Assessment of Certification Programs for Environmental Professionals: Accreditation Criteria (Withdrawn 2007)

E1752-95(2000)e1 Standard Guide for Collection of Multi-Media Field Emission and Discharge Data Associated with Glycol Dehydration Units (Withdrawn 2009)

E2318-03 Standard Guide for Environmental Health Site Assessment Process for Military Deployments (Withdrawn 2012)

E2718-21 Standard Guide for Financial Disclosures Attributed to Climate Change

E3312-21 Standard Guide for Mitigation of Wildfire Impact to Source Water Protection Areas and Risk to Water Utilities

E2725-19 Standard Guide for Basic Assessment and Management of Greenhouse Gases

E3228-19 Standard Guide for Environmental Knowledge Management

E2365-21 Standard Guide for Environmental Compliance Performance Assessment

E3241-20 Standard Guide for Coordination and Cooperation between Facilities, Local Emergency Planning Committees, and Emergency Responders

E2173-22 Standard Guide for Disclosure of Environmental Liabilities

E3356-22 Standard Guide for Stakeholder Engagement on Environmental Risk Management and Climate

E2137-22 Standard Guide for Estimating Monetary Costs and Liabilities for Environmental Matters

E3366-23 Standard Guide for Using Publicly Available Data to Identify Schools and Vulnerable Communities at High Risk for Elevated Lead in Drinking Water

E2348-24 Standard Guide for Framework for a Consensus-based Environmental Decision-making Process

E3123-24 Standard Guide for Recognition and Derecognition of Environmental Liabilities

Real Estate Assessment and Management

E2790-20 Standard Guide for Identifying and Complying With Continuing Obligations

E1983-98 Standard Guide for Assessment of Wetland Functions (Withdrawn 2007)

E2308-05 Standard Guide for Limited Asbestos Screens of Buildings (Withdrawn 2014)

E2418-06 Standard Guide for Readily Observable Mold and Conditions Conducive to Mold in Commercial Buildings: Baseline Survey Process (Withdrawn 2015)

E3224-19 Standard Guide for Building Energy Performance and Improvement Evaluation in the Assessment of Property Condition

E1903-19 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process

E1984-03 Standard Guide for Process of Sustainable Brownfields Redevelopment (Withdrawn 2012)

E1527-21 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process

E2600-22 Standard Guide for Vapor Encroachment Screening on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions

E2797-22 Standard Practice for Building Energy Performance Assessment for a Building Involved in a Real Estate Transaction

E1528-22 Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process

E2091-22 Standard Guide for Use of Activity and Use Limitations, Including Institutional and Engineering Controls

D6008-22 Standard Practice for Determining the Environmental Condition of Federal Property

E3026-23e1 Standard Guide for Readily Observable Moisture Affected Materials and Conditions Conducive to Elevated Moisture in Commercial Buildings: Limited Moisture Assessment Process

E2993-23 Standard Guide for Evaluating Potential Hazard in Buildings as a Result of Methane in the Vadose Zone

E2247-23 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process for Forestland or Rural Property

E2018-24 Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process

D5746-24 Standard Classification of Environmental Condition of Property Area Types, Including Explosives Safety for Federally-Owned Real Property

Storage Tanks

E2681-21 Standard Guide for Environmental Management of Underground Storage Tank Systems Storing Regulated Substances

E2942-22 Standard Guide for Security of Tank Farm Installations for Compliance with Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) Regulations

E1990-22 Standard Guide for Performing Evaluations of Underground Storage Tank Systems for Operational Conformance with 40 CFR, Part 280 Regulations

E1430-91 Guide for Using Release Detection Devices with Underground Storage Tanks (Withdrawn 2000)

E1526-93 Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance of Release Detection Systems for Underground Storage Tank Systems (Withdrawn 2002)

E2733-23 Standard Guide for Investigation of the Source and Cause of Releases from Underground Storage Tank Systems

E3225-24 Standard Practice for Performing Visual Examination of Containment Sumps

E2256-24 Standard Guide for Hydraulic Integrity of New, Repaired, or Reconstructed Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms for Petroleum Service