Work Item
ASTM WK75978

New Guide for Standard Guide and Model for Assessing User Cognition and Intent during Exoskeleton Use (U-CI)

1. Scope

This guide describes the concepts and a structure to conduct a cognitive analysis on the use of an exoskeleton and the resulting Human Exoskeleton Interaction (HEI) using the User Cognition and Intent during Exoskeleton Use (U-CI) questionnaire assessment tool. The U-CI test method using this model will be described in an accompanying, separate document, the Standard Test Method for Measuring User Cognition and Intent during Exoskeleton Use (U-CI), which is under development and not published yet. The U-CI based on the concept of Cognitive Relevance between a worker, their task, and an exoskeleton. Cognitive Relevance is built upon on two sub models: the Exoskeleton Use Intent (EUI) model modified from the Technology Assessment Model II (TAMII) as utilized by Park (2009), and the Cognitive Fit model developed by Sterling (2020) (Figure 1). This guide describes the EUI sub-model (Figure 2), which identifies factors of a subject’s psychological processes leading to their judgments on the usefulness, ease of use, attitudes, and future use intent of an exoskeleton. This guide also describes the Cognitive Fit sub-model of perception – cognition – action (Figure 3), and how exoskeletons can support this process. Finally, this guide will also describe additional, optional human factor psychological questions available to the test requestor that can investigate deeper into the user’s cognitive processes during exoskeleton use. These human factor constructs include usability, workload, situation awareness and trust. Analysis of results from the U-CI can help determine if a particular exoskeleton design is appropriate for a user given particular task as well as improve human interactions with exoskeletons.


exoskeleton; exosuit; human factors; cognitive; intent; abandonment, behavior; cobotic; ergonomics; industrial; manufacturing; musculoskeletal; occupational safety and health


A standard does not currently exist for discovering the human psychology of exoskeleton users. This psychometric model developments just that, laying the groundwork for a psychometric test method (document currently under development). Researchers for both public and private organizations will use this guide to further refine the test methodology.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F48.02

Committee: F48

Staff Manager: Nora Nimmerichter

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-18-2021

Technical Contact: Kevin Purcell

Item: 001

Ballot: F48.02 (22-02)

Status: Item Going To Next Ballot Level