Work Item
ASTM WK90624

Withdrawal of D5878-19 Standard Guides for Using Rock-Mass Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes


This standard is being balloted for withdrawal with no replacement. This standard was last updated in 2019. During the balloting process and since its approval, a number of subcommittee members have suggested that the standard be withdrawn and that many of the classification systems are outdated. The standard has been sold individually 16 times in the past five years. The sub-committee has been unable to identify anyone interested in revising this standard or confirm its ongoing usefulness. A poll was taken at the January 2024 subcommittee meeting and all voters were in favor of the standard being withdrawn. Therefore, it is the opinion of the subcommittee that it is best to withdraw this standard from publication at this time. If evidence emerges during this ballot suggesting the need to retain this standard and a volunteer is willing to work on revision, we can take that up as new business if needed.


Developed by Subcommittee: D18.12

Committee: D18

Staff Manager: Katerina Koperna

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-06-2024

Technical Contact: Mark Dobday