Work Item
ASTM WK90627

Revision of D4814-24 Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel


his ballot proposes to align ASTM D4814-24 “Standard Specification for Automotive SparkIgnition Engine Fuel” to conform with a prior ASTM ballot which added new EPA RFG areas to
ASTM D4814.
On October 12, 2023, EPA published a final rule in the Federal Register, "Reformulated Gasoline
Covered Areas" that amended EPA’s reformulated gasoline (RFG) regulations to reflect the
reclassification of several ozone nonattainment areas as Severe for the 2008 ozone national
ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). Areas reclassified to RFG included the Denver nonattainment area, and certain additional counties in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
In the fall of 2023, ASTM issued and passed a concurrent Ballot, D02 (23-09), to add newly
redesignated EPA RFG areas to Table 6, “ U.S. Federal RFG Areas Requiring Volatility Class
AAA”. These areas were added to D4814 but were inadvertently not deleted from two low-RVP
Tables in D4814, Table 5, “U.S. Ozone Nonattainment Areas Requiring Volatility Class AA”,
and Table 7, “U.S. Federally Approved State Implementation Plan Areas Requiring More
Restrictive Maximum Vapor Pressure Limits”.
This ballot proposes to delete those areas which EPA has reclassified from low-RVP areas to
Federal RFG


Developed by Subcommittee: D02.A0.01

Committee: D02

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-06-2024

Technical Contact: Marilyn Herman